According to a post on Rare-Extreme, Rare has confirmed the long-standing rumor that they are working on the classic N64 shooter, Perfect Dark. This is really only question of when, after their release of Banjo Kazooie and its sequel, Banjo Tooie. Rare would be unwise to not release one of the greatest shooters of all time on XBLA. The very thought of playing this game with usable control sticks (let's be honest, the N64 controller was never user-friendly) will make it all the more enjoyable.
Here's the low-down from the post found here:
There have been plenty rumors about Perfect Dark coming soon for XBLA... well... we can confirm that Perfect Dark is indeed on it's way to XBLA. This is not a rumor, it's coming! Not just that, there is a very large announcement coming from Rare soon (ahem in line with E3). We last heard that it wasn't known if they would go ahead and make this announcement but as time progressed, it looks as though it's all systems go. Expect a major surprise from Rare this June.More major surprises? Yeah... just get me Perfect Dark on XBLA, and then we'll see if I still care Rare's other announcements.
Start brushing up on those maps during your long lonely summer.
I LOVE this game... though I hate playing with with Arctodus.
If this really does get released on XBLA, I am so starting clans and leagues and all that good stuff. Teach these Halo punks the meaning of Original Gangster!
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