Fresh coat of paint

You'll notice a few changes to the 'ol Game Brain blog. I've got a spiffy new header. Note the x-ray controller inside the skull; it's taken from a real x-ray picture of an Xbox 360 controller. Is there anything the Internet can't do?

Wrecklaimer and I are working on some user-friendly layout and features. I've figured out how to insert a "Read More" link to cut down on super-long posts. Contact information will be more readily accessible. The navigation bar at the top will finally have some more working links.

Long overdue improvements, to be sure. My goal is to attract at least one random Internet person to become a follower of the site. I've run out of friends to bug into doing it. Expect for Mike and Rob, you guys still haven't followed yet! New Years Resolution for the both of you.


Tashtego Blue said...

Looks good my man.

I've got a suggestion for a weekly feature... "Force and Wreck Uncensored." You could set up a webcam prior to a L4D2 match then we stack the teams against you.

We'd get some combo of myself, Arc, Dookie, Szudden, Ground, eastbay on one team then you and Wreck with some no micers on the other team.

Wackiness insues.

Now that would pull some ratings!


pezzetti said...

We could run two versions, one bleeped for the kiddies, and the uncensored version behind a paywall. Ka-Ching!

F0RCEFL0W said...

We would most definitely need censoring. Tash and Arc are models of sibling civility. On the other hand, Wrecklaimer and myself can be sort of dysfunctional. Apologies for past and future awkwardness on Xbox Live, everyone. To be fair, it's mostly me being an asshole big brother and blaming him for random chance.

And I'm still stuck in 1998 technology-wise. Webcam, you say? I'm sure you'd all get a chuckle out of 20-something nerds bickering on a basement couch.

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