Picture Perfect

It seems the port of "Perfect Dark" to Xbox Live is not without some upgrades. From the look of things so far, I'd say it's more like a re-make. Just look at the high-resolution skins and texturing!

There's no way that's all original "Goldeneye" engine. I'm no programmer, but maybe they just heaped layers of enhancements onto the original game code. I don't see how or why 4J would rebuild her from the ground up.

Maybe it's like the refit of the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. You either build a new ship or go with the old one; instead, they heap on enhancements until only the bones are original. If that's the case with "Perfect Dark", it shows that this will be a quality port, not just an emulation; all the more reason to get excited.

While there haven't been any multiplayer details yet, I still plan on forming a clan just for the hell of it. I do need ideas for names and logos, though. So far, all I have is "dataDyne Hit Squad" for a name and "Darker than You" for the slogan. Wait, "Darker than You" is a pretty cool name. How 'bout "DY357" for short? The numbers give it the model name of PD's revolver. Alright, stream of conciousness blogging for the win! Suggestions still welcome.


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