Hey there, visitor. Are you currently enrolled as a full-time student at Western Michigan University? If you are, I need your help.
Sadly, Game Brain is approaching the end of its run under my stewardship. I will be graduating this summer, so the weekly print column will be gone next school year.
There, there. Dry your tears. This is why I'm asking for your help. I need a Bronco to take up the reigns of the weekly column for Fall 2010 and beyond. We need somebody to keep representing the video game community at the Western Herald. Believe me, full-time columnists are rare but greatly appreciated.
Essentially, I will remain editor of this here blog. The new columnist will be working at Western while I'm... well, I don't know where I'll be, but I'll be working on the blog. I'll be the co-pilot, promoting the column and keeping the blog running.
I can't make any promises, but my editor, Sebastian Fryer, is receptive to keeping a good thing going for next year. You needn't be a professional journalist or writer. All you need to be is a full-time student at WMU willing to deliver a quality video game column on a weekly basis.
Because plans now are so tentative, I would prefer it if you contacted me if you're interested. My address is brian.diefenbach@gmail.com. Feel free to ask me questions or send me a sample of your writing. If you would like to start out as a contributor to the blog, I'd be more than happy to oblige.
And yes, the columnist position with the Herald is paying. So if you already have a passion for video games and writing, why aren't we already acquainted? You're my only hope for keeping video game journalism alive at WMU.
Skyrim: Hearthfire Review
12 years ago
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