Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is it

This week's column is up at

Oh, did I mention that it's the last one?

Yep, my two-year stint as a writer is over. Now I can focus more on bite-size content for the blog. The Herald is going to need a new columnist now; it's my hope that someone takes over the video game column.

With a Western Michigan University student representing in the Herald, and me keeping the blog running, I think a lot of cool things will happen. It's a long shot, but I can dream, can't I?

I know it's been a while since I announced those mystery action figures. They're about 90% finished. I just need to add a few touches and get a decent photography setup. Look for that to be my next major post. But it might be a while; final exams are next week, and I'll be in Las Vegas for a printing convention shortly after.

In the meantime, see you in "Bad Company 2!"

Thursday, April 15, 2010


This week's column is up at It's the second-to-last column of the semester and my run at the Herald. Sadly, no one has stepped up to fill the void in columns next year. I would prefer video game-related writing, but I'm biased.

So, I have one last column to write, and one last plea to have someone pickup the torch. To be honest, it'll be a relief to take a break from writing and school in general. There's so much left to do this semester, and classes to take in the summer. I'd better graduate soon, because I'm outta money and patience.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

News Review for You

It's a grab bag of random news commentary in this week's column over at

Friday, April 2, 2010

Some like it 'Dark'

I know it's a little late, but my review/commentary of "Perfect Dark" for Xbox Live Arcade is in print and online at I daresay that "Dark" has dethroned "Shadow Complex" as the king (or queen?) or XBLA titles. I recommend both games, but Joanna... it's been too long. And you've aged beautifully. In fact, it looks like you've had a little work done...

The only time in "Perfect Dark" you'll be on your ass like Agent Dark here is if you take me on in the Combat Simulator. Bring it, you "Halo" generation punks!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Column Casting Call

Hey there, visitor. Are you currently enrolled as a full-time student at Western Michigan University? If you are, I need your help.

Sadly, Game Brain is approaching the end of its run under my stewardship. I will be graduating this summer, so the weekly print column will be gone next school year.

There, there. Dry your tears. This is why I'm asking for your help. I need a Bronco to take up the reigns of the weekly column for Fall 2010 and beyond. We need somebody to keep representing the video game community at the Western Herald. Believe me, full-time columnists are rare but greatly appreciated.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

100th Post: This Week's Column

Here's an interesting idea; throw out the old letter grade system and use XP in school grading. One prof in Indiana is trying just that in his video game design classes.  This week's column explores this concept and asks some questions about its viability in education and the workplace.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's so gamer guy!

This week's column is up over at It covers Microsoft's recent repeal of regulations against displaying sexual orientation or religion in Xbox Live gamertags.

Speaking of Microsoft, I played "Perfect Dark" today instead of studying for an exam before work. Oh. My. God. It is gorgeous. It has everything from the original and then some. I can't wait to get some multiplayer games going. I'll have to make a practice setup so my friends and I can get into the swing of things. I could go on, but there's a busy week to finish.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Doctor's Orders

This week's column is up at

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sorry I'm late

Forgot to post the link to last week's column. Which reminds me, I have to get next week's column under way soon. Term papers have been taking a higher priority, although I've been taking plenty of time off for gaming over Spring Break.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Law & Order: Video Games Unit

Ahoy, maties! This be a tale o' software piracy from the Land Down Under! That's pirate speak for "this week's column is up, it's about the piracy of "Super Mario Bros. Wii" thanks to an Australian bloke.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Alien ❤ Predator

Love is in the air. Whether your blood is fluorescent green or a potent acid, are hearts quicken at the thought of "Aliens vs. Predator." It's a stretch for Valentine's Day, I know, but I think you'll enjoy  my column over at
"Aliens vs. Predator is set to release next week for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. The demo has gotten a bad rep due to lag, but I still have high hopes for the full retail game.
Get a room, you two!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

'Manual' upload

Notice that video game manual getting a bit thin? Find out why in this week's column.

Oh, and I need some ideas for a Valentine's Day column. It seems that my bosses want to see one again this year.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Microphone Check

Plug in your headsets and tune in to this week's column at

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Novel Graphics

This week's column is up. Video games and printing, like alcohol and night swimming, is a winning combination.

UPDATE: Pictures from the print edition are now included on the webpage. I'll provide more related images (including my Left 4 Dead card) if anyone's interested.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Year's Revolutions

The first column of the new year is up. Funny thing is, the delay of "Star Wars: The Old Republic" necessitated a rewrite.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last fall column

Sniff. Last post of the semester.

There's an interview I'll be working on over break, so I hope to deliver it in January.

Snow days are perfect for playing video games. Or studying for finals and writing term papers.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Red Death Strikes!

Here it is, the second-to-last column before holiday break. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fall Retrospective

The last column of November is up at It's a fall retrospective of the releases and industry news of the past two months.

There are only two columns left in the year. While the column will be around in 2010, it's amazing how fast the fall went. I pains me that I can't do any big, ambitious columns until January; term projects are starting to pile up. Among them are a Web page, a finishing and bindery scrapbook, and several term papers.

I have been playing video games waaay too much considering how much work I have to do. But that's senioritis for ya.

Buttons Pushed

Last week, the Western Herald ran my column on "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2."

So far, the Web site has had a few insightful responses from readers concerning the controversy of the game. Here are two of the comments.

From Rick:

"Ever since I first heard about this particular mission in MW2, the controversy, and the whole uprising surrounding it, I have felt dead inside.

Upon unwrapping this game, kissing it, and then sticking it into it’s warm PS3 home, I plan on taking in the story line as-is, and enjoying every moment of it. I think it’s more than ludicrous to assume that this game is a bad influence on people who plan these violent games. The parental rating on this game in the US is “Mature.” If parents have such an issue with their children playing it, then don’t buy it, and let your prepubescent morally straight kid cry about it in their room until you are so sick of hearing their bitching that you go out and buy it anyway.

As far as I’ve read, the story line is meant to blow you into perspective, and that it does well. So what, there is a mission that involves killing innocents to prove a point, and further the story line. It’s what I’ve come to love about the COD series; the deep story lines and progression. It would be much different if the entire game was about killing people are airports and other various places. Hell, I guess they could name it Virtual Terrorist. That isn’t the case though. Video games are like books to me. An interactive story. People just need to get over the whole, 'video games have made my child into a terrorist.' Nah, YOU have as parents. If you are letting your kids do what they want, smoke, drink, and otherwise, it’s your fault. Get on to the next big scare that the news will blow out of proportion. Hell, we may even be lucky enough to have another 'Shark Murderer' scare this summer, since the number of shark killings substantially increased a few years ago. Give me a break."

Eric, an Iraq War veteran, writes:

"Very astute review and observations. Being a veteran that has deployed to Iraq, I can support your assertion that one has difficulties telling friend from foe. The enemy will dress as non-combatants and if able to acquire US military uniforms will wear them to confuse us. That is a big danger with the current enemy we fight.

I also think it is good that the developer included a stage where the player plays as the terrorists. Hopefully it will open the eyes of our currently willfully ignorant public about the dangers and the tactics our enemy will use if presented with the opportunity. These terrorists will at some point in the future attack us on our soil again, that is their dream. Their apologists may try to say they misrepresent their shared belief system, by claiming they don’t support attacks and the murder of innocents. But in their belief system the only innocents are those that believe exactly like themselves. Everyone else is a valid target at all times.

If one examines the justifications used by Hamas for firing missiles at Israeli schools and other civilian targets, Hamas says that those children will grow up to be soldiers in the future, so they are legitimate targets today. However Hamas will fire those same missiles from the grounds of their own schools then have the audacity of complaining about Israel attacking the militants right where they stand as they fire the missiles. One can’t have it both ways, unless you’re a member of Hamas."

Thanks for the comments, guys. New comments trickle in all the time, even on older columns, so be sure to check on the Herald's Weekend Scene page to read more.

Friday, November 13, 2009

This week's column

It's a bit misclassified on the Western Herald website right now, but this week's column is up. If you are interested in the reasoning behind my boycott of "Left 4 Dead 2", here's your explanation.

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