Finally, a chance to relax after a taxing first week at my new job. What's a long holiday weekend without beer, junk food, and video games? Except that a particular video game - Turok 2: Seeds of Evil - spoiled my mood with it's insane difficulty and horrible framerates. But worst of all is the level design. When you need an FAQ to beat every level in the game, the developers screwed up somewhere.
Turok 2 has gorgeous graphics and tons of cool guns. But when the bullets/plasma/explody arrows start flying, the framerate drops are blinding. Things are better if you disable the high res mode, going sans-expansion pak. With the expansion pak, T2 looks like it comes close to a PC resolution.
Maybe I'll just stick to my favorite N64 games this summer; Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Battle for Naboo. Quake was ok, Quake II was crap, Turok fun for a while. I reserve the stinkiest of stinkeyes, however, for Super Mario 64. What's not to love about sending a short, tubby Italian plumber to his death? Not worth my time, or the $3 I paid for it.
Ocarina of Time, Daddy's back, baby! It's been too long...
Skyrim: Hearthfire Review
12 years ago