Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fall Retrospective

The last column of November is up at It's a fall retrospective of the releases and industry news of the past two months.

There are only two columns left in the year. While the column will be around in 2010, it's amazing how fast the fall went. I pains me that I can't do any big, ambitious columns until January; term projects are starting to pile up. Among them are a Web page, a finishing and bindery scrapbook, and several term papers.

I have been playing video games waaay too much considering how much work I have to do. But that's senioritis for ya.

Friday, October 30, 2009

There's loot in them thar Borderlands

Attention all Sirens, Soldiers, Hunters, and Berserkers!

F0RCEFL0W (aka "Jasper McKnives", Hunter) is looking for a few greedy men and/or women to embark on quests for fame and fortune on the planet Pandora.

Equitable shares of salvaged technology and money. Kill-stealers need not apply.
All levels and classes accepted. Open to weapon trading; looking for high-powered sniper rifles, SMGs, and pistols (revolvers preferred).

Limited time offer! Real life engagements and soon-to-be-released video games make excursions to Pandora brief and infrequent. Don't miss out on the action! Apply today!

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