Saturday, November 28, 2009

Back in Black

Duh. Duh-nuh-nuh. Duh-nuh-nuh. Bwah- ah, I've lost it. AC/DC did it so much better.

In case you haven't guessed it from my musical onomatopoeia, I'm Back in Black, baby! Xbox 360 Elite For the Win!

Little early X-mas present to myself. After I sell my refurbished Xbox 360 and cash in my NewEgg gift card, I've really only spent $50 on this beauty.

She is guar-an-teed to put out. It says so right here in the paperwork! I sure hope Microsoft fixed the chips in these things. Maybe they made them all sexy-like just to lull us into false security (it's working!)

So what if the controllers don't match? I love her anyway. Speaking of attachment to inanimate objects, we need a name for her. "Black Betty" comes to mind. If you have a better name, write a comment. Or just coo over my newest baby, your choice.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

All I want for X-Mas... a PlayStation 3, because I am so tired of Microsoft's ticking time bomb of a console.

I just got the Red Rings of Death today. Two days after the warranty on my refurbished console expired.

I will be placing some phone calls... and emails, and letters to Microsoft. If I can't get a new console for free (or one helluva discount on an Elite) I'm gonna "lodge" my complaint up the backside of somebody at Microsoft.

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