Before I start I need to say that I'm ridiculously excited about Old Republic. It is the game I've trained for my whole life. I hope it'll be my one, my own, my precious. Look at what it has going for it... I get to be a Jedi, my Bro gets to be a Jedi, my best mates get to be Jedi, and we get to kill Sith. Oh, and it's made by Bioware. A tear of Pure Joy just ran down my cheek.
- 3rd Left4Dead I'm somewhat embarrassed at how little I've played this phenomenal game. L4D is not only a brilliantly executed and innovative game but it's ridiculously fun to play. Eight person party chat in versus mode is an absolute ball! Sure you could use party chat in Gears of War, or Team Fortress... but the visceral thrill of leaping from the top of a building and ripping one of your dear Xbox Pals to shreds is something that begs for a little real time gloating. What Valve always does is make a game with phenomenal replayability, but there's no doubt that new maps, weapons and ambush points will get me spending more time with this title.

- 2nd Fallout 3 I loved Oblivion but there are only so many Oblivion Gates I could close before the novelty wore off. In Fallout, Bethesda did something far beyond creating a Sci-Fi Oblivion, they created a one of the more engaging single-player experiences I have played... well within league, or superior to, Mass Effect, KoTOR, and Jade Empire. Bethesda has taken its Magnus Opus beyond these titles in their ambitious promise of regular DLC. The first pack, "Operation Anchorage" is already out, basically this allows players to participate in the liberation of Anchorage from the Chinese occupiers via a virtual simulation of the battle. Players can be rewarded with, among other things, a Gause Rifle. Which fills the niche of long-range Energy Weapon. The "Pitt" pack should be out shortly and even though I know nothing about it, there's no question I'm getting it. I'm really excited about a publisher finally taking advantage of the current generation of console's ability to support DLC.

- 1st Team Fortress 2 The sad thing here is that TF2 content exists and has existed for quite some time, and has been promised for quite some time. Others are currently enjoying new maps, and class gear on the PC, all the while we console gamers are left out primarily because Microsoft insists on charging for DLC, so as a result Valve said that they'd wait until they had a "substantial" amount of content so that their customers would get good value for their cash. The sad thing is the content that most gamers would happily pay top dollar for is being withheld expressly because of Microsoft's desire to nickle and dime its customer base.

1 Comment:
The Old Republic may just be enough for me to start with PC RPGs. It will have very big boots to fill, not only for a Star Wars game, but for fans' expectations. As a gamer and Star Wars fan, I tend to be extra critical of every game, rather than protective.
What I really want to hear is an alternative to monthly dues for playing. My free time is pretty sporadic, so I need a plan that doesn't chip away at my bank account while I work.
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