Game Brain: March 12, 2009

In case anyone's been confused about my references to a print column, I will provide a weekly link over to the Western Herald's website. My column appears in the paper and website weekly, although it's always more exciting to see it in print.

When I can't think of artwork to include with the column, my good friend and fellow copy editor Nosa Osai gets me the hookup. I used to be able to work on the column's page personally, but do to school I can't work Wednesday nights. Even as a control freak, I've been very pleased with the staff's work on my page layout. Heck, the whole paper is pretty darn spiffy.

I like to say: "Papers aren't released: they escape." It's been great fun writing and working for the Herald, especially this coming week with Video Games Live coming to Kalamazoo. My new A&E editor Chris Kato and I will be bringing you guys some special coverage of it. Remember that interview I mentioned earlier this week? Maybe that will show up somewhere...

There's also a ton of my older columns over at the Herald website under the Weekend Scene section. Be sure to read this week's column about the "Golden Age" of video games.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

So I'm googling my name, ya' know like any sane/vain person, and I see that my buddy gives me a shout out on his personal page. I appreciate it Brian, and I enjoyed working with you. Make sure you hold it down graphically next year, there's great things ahead of you. And have a good summer in the south.


P.S. I'm actually not that vain, I just set up my portfolio website and was trying to see if it would come up. Guess I need to invest in some google adwords.

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